onsdag den 21. maj 2014

The Perks of Being a wallflower

Titel: The perks of being a wallflower
Author: Stephen Chbosky
Publishing company: Simon and Schuster 
Genre: Youth

Charlie is a fifteen year old boy and has just started high school. He isn't popular at all, but he is neither a geek. So what is he? He's a wallflower. He observes and learn, but doesn't participate in life. Then he meets Sam and Patrick and their friends. Slowly he starts to try and participate.

I think this book is amazing (wow I repeat myself a lot). It's a very philosophic book as the John Green books. The difference is that the message is much more clear in the perks of being a wallflower. In the John Green books the message is packed in several layers of cotton wool. If you're really caught up in a book, it isn't funny to take a break and reflect. At least I don't think so. In the perks of being a wallflower the message is much more clear (I will leave it up to you to figure it out). When I read the book I felt young and infinite. It's hard to explain, but I just got this wonderful feeling. I don't know if I'm a wallflower, but I will try to participate too.


tirsdag den 20. maj 2014

Harry Potter series

Titels: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and The Chamber of the secrets,
Author: J.K.Rowling
Publishing company: Bloomsbury
Genre: Fantasy

Harry Potter lives in Privet Drive. He lives with his uncle Vermont, aunt Petunia and his evil cousin Dudley. He thinks he's an ordinary boy, but soon he receives a letter from Hogwarts- the school for wizards and witches.
As soon as Harry gets introduced to the magic community he discovers that he's famous. Ten years earlier Lord Voldemort, the most evil wizard of all time, cast a killing curse at Harry, but Harry didn't die, instead the curse backfired and Voldemort vanished.
On the Hogwarts express (the train to Hogwarts) Harry become friends with Ron and Hermione. This will be a friendship that will last for the rest of their lives.
For the next seven year Harry will find himself in many dangerous situations. 

This series is the best I've ever read. The books are so amazing. The story is catchy and I just wanted to continue reading. I read the series in a month which I regret, because you can only read a book for the first time once. But it just shows how amazing the books are. I felt, everytime I started reading, that I submerged into this fantastic magic world. I am really close, to believe that wizards and witches really exist. I recommend adults as well as children to READ IT.  
